PortDeBrasTM Instructor
You can buy a license to use the video materials of portdebras after participating in the seminars: Club System, Introduction, Ball, Band, Par Terre. Certified courses: Basic, Intermediate, Progression, Exercise. After obtaining a license to subscribe to video materials portdebras, the instructor must be within two years of training in a certified course PortDeBras Basic. The instructor can conduct master classes portdebras only in fitness clubs and studios, without the right educational and commercial presentations.
PortDeBrasTM Trainer
To obtain this status, you must be trained in certified courses Basic, coaching course for official teachers of the method portdebras. Trainers of this category can officially teach seminars: Club System, master classes. Seminars Ball, Band, Par Terre after passing these courses. Data and contacts the instructor are posted on the official.
PortDeBrasTM Master Trainer
To obtain legal status in this category need to be trained in certified courses: Basic, Intermediate, Progression. Coaching courses at these levels. Trainers of this category can officially teach seminars: Club System, Introduction. Master classes. Seminars Ball, Band, Bar, Par Terre, after passing these courses. Data and contacts of the instructor are posted on the official website.
PortDeBrasTM Elite Trainer
To obtain the official status you need to be trained in certified, coaching courses levels: Basic, Intermediate, Progression, Exercise. Trainers of this category have the status and can teach seminars: Club System, Introduction. Master classes and basic certification course. Seminars Ball, Band, Par Terre, Bar, after passing of trainer's courses on these levels. Data and contacts of the instructor are posted on the official website.
PortDeBrasTM Expert
This status allows you to teach certified courses, seminars, master classes on all levels of the portdebras method: Basic, Intermediate, Progression, Exercise, Ball, Band, Par Terre, Bar. Including conduct coaching courses for coaches.
Rules of transition from category to category. Confirmation of status.
- Having received the status of PortDeBrasTM Trainer - you can conduct seminars and master classes according to the status. Once a year minimum to attend a coaching course, or training portdebras, which conducts the coach higher status. If the coach holds the only master classes and personal training, portdebras in the club or Studio, it is necessary once a year to attend a coaching course or workshop portdebras the coach has a higher status.
- Get the status of PortDeBrasTM Master Trainer can be after passing three levels; Basic, Intermediate, Progression. It is necessary to confirm this status once a year passing of a trainer's course, carrying out seminars; Introduction, Club system. Portdebras trainers can hold a Club system seminar only after purchasing a PortDeBras Club system License. Seminars Par Terre, Ball, Band – only after passing a trainer's course in these directions or passing of this course with the trainer above on the status.
- Status PortDeBrasTM Elite Trainer can be obtained only after passing all levels; Basic, Intermediate, Progression, Exercise, Parterre, Ball, Band. The trainer of this category should be ready to hold seminars in all directions of portdebras, including levels Basic, Intermediate. Attend at least once a year a trainer's course or training with a trainer of higher status.
- Status PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 5), this status allows you to teach all courses and trainer's course and train Trainers portdebras.
- Status PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 4), this status allows you to teach all courses portdebras. To teach trainer courses and train Master Trainers portdebras.
- Status PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 3), allows you to teach all courses portdebras. To teach trainer's courses and train Elite Trainers portdebras.
- Status PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 2), allows you to teach all courses portdebras. To teach trainer's courses and train PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 5).
- Status PortDeBrasTM Expert (level 1), allows you to teach all courses portdebras. To teach trainer's courses and assign coaches to a higher status in the category PortDeBrasTM Expert.